UX Research

User Survey
Tagging Taxonomy
Affinity Map

UI Design

Information Architecture
User Flows
Low-Fi wireframes
Hi-FI Prototype






Sharing is caring

Over the span of a couple of months my partner and I worked on our bootcamp case study for Splitwise, an app designed for sharing expenses among users. Our research phase helped us to grasp the challenges and objectives users faced with the current interface. Upon completing this phase, we decided to work independently on the redesign of the interface.


  • Add features/elements SPECIFIC to the group type

  • Ability to quickly filter/adjust expense types

  • Show all expenses, even ones user is not involved in

  • Show Net total for each expense line item

  • Add challenge feature

  • Add warning icon for remind/settle up CTA

Business goals - Enhance user experience

Increase adoption of the paid product be enhancing the user experience: implementing intuitive and transparent features that improve expense categorization, payment tracking, and accurately reflect who has paid for what.

User Segment - Young professionals with roommates

User segment consists of young professionals in their 20s and 30s who share expenses with roommates, friends, or significant others, and are likely to utilize Splitwise's group feature for tracking shared expenses related to rent, groceries, utilities, and other common costs

Groups Tab

Roommates Tab

Travel Tab

users vs non-users

survey says!

We began our research by outlining survey questions we believed to be important and relevant to the target user group- 20/30s professionals that use Splitwise. After the general line of questioning was finalized, we began creating the online survey using google forms. The survey was done and we began sending out the link, but there was one small issue…

We immediately discovered that in order to gain better understanding of user needs and behaviors we need to ask everyone within the target user group, including individuals that do not use Splitwise. For the second round of survey questions, we decided to take a step back and began to outline our survey again, but this time taking into consideration users that do not use Splitwise. We created two potential paths a user could take ; YES I track expenses or No I don't track expenses.

Users desire convenience, Transparency, and Accountability

Lets count our money

Now that we have collected all the data, its time to count our findings. We used dovetail to develop our tagging taxonomy and created and affinity map.

To illustrate user habits and tendencies, I designed a pinwheel map, which enables you to observe user trends from the center outwards, with central trends being the most crucial.

User goals

  • Conveniently split expenses

  • keep track of shared expenses

  • Ability to scan and itemize

  • Travel

  • Bills/subscriptions

User pain points

  • Trust

  • Accountability

  • Expense breakdown

  • Reminders

"Users desire a solution that enables convenient splitting and tracking of shared expenses while fostering transparency and accountability"

giving users what they want

User flow Ideation

wireframing userflows

I wireframed various user flows I felt needed refinement based on the overall user responses and insights we developed. I like to iterate when I'm starting this exploration phase of design. This gives me the opportunity to retrace my design thinking anytime I need to reference these sketches. User flows I wireframed include: creating a group, main group tab, group expense, adding expense, adding a member to group, and charts/graphs.

Main Groups tab

Upon deeper examination and to avoid swamping myself with the numerous potential user flow alterations, I focused on two user flows that would effectively address the issue at hand: Main group tab and the subsequent group expense tab. The UI of these user flows held the most potential in terms of fulfilling user goals and easing pain points.

Specific group types - roommates and travel scenario

Specific group types - two scenarios

The second user flow I focused on was the group expense tab. In this scenario, I focused on creating two potential group expense types- one for travel and one for roommates.

a new way to split


features/elements SPECIFIC to the group type

  • Main Group tab: Show totals in one card; total you owe, total owed to you , and the net total.

  • Group Living: General vs recurring expenses.

  • Travel: general and lodging tabs.

quickly filter/adjust expenses

  • Main Group Tab: all groups, Groups you owe, Groups owed to you.

  • Subgroup general tab: all expenses, you lent, you borrowed.

  • Recurring: Rent, Bills, Utilities, Subscriptions.


Show all expenses

  • Show all expenses within a group, even ones you are not part of. This fosters trust within a group.

Show Net total for each expense

  • Show your overall group balance for each shared expense line item so you can quickly see how it is adjusting after each expense.


challenge feature

  • Challenge feature fosters participation and engagement.

warning icon for remind/settle up cta

Allows users to see which shared expense requires attention.

  • Let user know which expense needs to be settled up

  • Let user knows which expense needs reminding

Adan Granados

this website was designed and built by me with Framer: AI was not harmed in the creation of this portfolio